
マートンの学位論文「17世紀イングランドにおける科学、技術と社会」Merton, R.K.(1938)”Science, Technology and Society in Seventeenth Century England” Osiris, Vol.4, pp. 360–632が下記より全文ダウンロード可能となっている。


序文 360
I.序章 362
II.Social Background :Shifts in Vocational Interests(社会的背景:職業的関心の変遷) 367
Dictionary of National Biography (D.N.B.)における人物記述をデータ源として、p.391の表1「17世紀イングランドのエリートたちの初期の関心(initial interests)の変遷」[軍事、絵画・彫刻、音楽、演劇、詩、散文、教育、歴史記述(historiography)、医療、宗教、科学、学問(scholarship)、法律、政治に分類して、人物数および相対的%を10年ごとに表にまとめている]をにおけるような変遷などを分析している。
III. Foci and Shifts of Interest in the Sciences and Technology(科学と技術における関心の焦点と変遷) 397
IV.Puritanism and Cultural Values(ピューリタニズムと文化的価値) 414
社会学的アプローチ、プロテスタント的倫理、”Glorification of God.” Diligence and industry. Choice of vocation. Blessed reason. Profitable education. Physics: God in His works. The medieval contrast. Science: handmaid of utility.
V.Motive Forces of the New Science(新しい科学における原動力) 439
The Puritan spur to science. To the ” Glory of the Great Author of Nature.” ” Comfort of mankind.” Rationalism and empiricism. The shift to science. The process of secularization. The integration of religion and science. Community of tacit assumptions in science and puritanism. The ” crucial experiment.”
VI.Puritanism, Pietism and Science: Testing an Hypothesis(ピューリタニズム、敬虔主義と科学:テストと仮説) 471
Puritan elements in the Royal Society. The new education: things not words. Continental counterparts.New science in New England. Pietist realism. Educational interests and religious affiliation. Preponderance of Protestant scientists.
VII.Science, Technology and Economic Development:Mining(鉱業にみる科学、技術と経済的発展) 496
The growth of mining. Associated technical problems. Derived scientific interests. Modes of economic influence.
VIII.Science, Technology and Economic Development:Transportation(輸送業にみる科学、技術と経済的発展) 519
Growth of transportation. Associated problems of technology. The meaning of economic influence. Problem of the longitude. Further scientific research.
IX.Science and Military Technique(科学と軍事的テクニック) 543
Growth of armaments. Associated technological demands : interior ballistics. Exterior ballistics. Detailed considerations.
X.Extrinsic Influences on Scientific Research(科学研究における外因的影響) 558
A statement of procedure. Classification of types of research. Summary of results: degree of social and economic influences. Addendum.
XI.- Some social and cultural factors in scientific advance(科学進歩におけるいくつかの社会的=文化的要因) 567
Society, civilization and culture. Population density.Population density in seventeenth century England.Social interaction. The cultural context. Utilitarianism.The belief in progress.
APPENDIX A. Research related to Socio-Economic Needs(補遺A. 社会=経済的ニーズに関連した研究) 598
Marine transport and navigation. Mining and metallurgy. Military technology. General technology including husbandry. Pure Science
参考文献 621
人名索引 625
カテゴリー: 文献紹介, 社会論, 科学論 パーマリンク

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